Test-taking strategies

Test strategy: vocabulary memorization


This strategy will help you with memorizing vocabulary.

One of the best ways to improve in English is to remember new words. This video gives you tips for ways to learn new words. You can make word lists, play rhyming games, repeat or sing words out loud, or write the words in sentences. Find the way that works best for you.



Test strategy: listening with photographs


This strategy will help you improve basic listening skills.

This video shows you ways to do well when taking listening tests that have photographs and statements. It tells you how to identify important details in the photograph, and what to focus on when listening to the narration.



Test strategy: listening for question & response


This strategy will help you understand conversations.

This video shows you ways to do well when taking listening tests with question and response type questions. You can improve your ability to understand details in conversations. Pay attention to the "wh" questions.



Test strategy: listening to short dialogues


This strategy will help you understand details in conversations.

This video shows you ways to do well when taking listening tests that have short dialogues between two people. You can improve your ability to understand details in conversations. Imagine who is speaking, what they are talking about, and where they are. Pay attention to the patterns of the dialogues.



Test strategy: listening to short talks


This strategy will help you understand the main ideas and details in short talks.

This video shows you ways to do well when taking listening tests that have short talks. There is usually a lot to remember so you should try to answer the questions quickly before you forget. Recognizing the common themes, listening for details, and recognizing common questions will help you be successful on these listening tasks.



Test strategy:

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This strategy will help you with . . .

Test strategy:

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Reading Strategies

Reading strategy: previewing an article


This strategy will help you with previewing a newspaper article

This video shows you what to do before you start reading so that you can improve your understanding of the content of the text. When you preview a text, you will make connections to that text, and as a result, have a greater understanding of what you have to read.

Reading strategy: skimming and scanning


This strategy will help you find main ideas and details.

This video shows you what to do when you start reading so that you can improve your understanding of the content of the text and answer the questions about the article. When you skim a text, you try to get the main idea. When you scan a text, you look for specific information.

Listening Strategies

Listening strategy: watching videos


These listening strategies will help improve your listening comprehension when you watch videos

This video shows you strategies to better understand natural English. Before you watch a video, you can predict the topic, and activate prior knowledge. During your listening exercises, there are several ways to listen, and things to listen for. Using these strategies will help you get the most out of your activities.